Help for survivors of
sexual abuse & assault

Summer Camp Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Kansas

At DRZ Law, our attorneys can help you take action against a summer camp that failed to keep your child safe from sexual abuse or assault. Our Kansas sexual abuse attorneys have 20-plus years in this practice area, extensive courtroom experience specific to childhood sexual trauma, and millions of dollars in verdicts or settlements obtained for past clients. We have the knowledge, skill and drive to help you with this sensitive type of case. Contact our lawyers today, we will be here for you and your child every step of the way.

Lack of Supervision at a Summer Camp Can Encourage Sexual Abuse  

A summer camp should be a safe environment for children to learn, grow and have fun. Children at camp should be free to make new friends and focus on exciting new activities. They should never be at risk of sexual violence, harassment, assault or abuse by anyone at the camp – including camp counselors, volunteers, supervisors, parents and fellow campers. Sadly, not all summer camps in Kansas adequately protect the children in their care.

Summer camps are often guilty of acts of negligence that increase the risk of child sexual abuse, such as a lack of proper supervision. There may not be enough adult supervision of child campers, both during camp activities and in private quarters, such as cabins and bathrooms. A camp’s failure to watch over children can give sexual predators an opportunity to target victims and commit heinous sex crimes.

Summer Camps Are Often Guilty of Protecting Abusers

Another act of negligence on the part of a summer camp may be protecting known perpetrators. Summer camps are often more interested in protecting their reputations than the children in their care. A summer camp may ignore a child’s sexual harassment complaint, for example, or fail to report claims of sexual assault to law enforcement. In addition, camp counselors may not fulfill their obligation to notify parents of a sexual abuse incident. The protection of sexual abusers rather than victims can foster a summer camp environment that allows or even encourages these crimes.

Who Is Responsible for Sexual Abuse or Assault at a Summer Camp?

When you drop your child off at a sleepaway summer camp, day camp, boot camp or recreational camp, you trust the organization and its trained staff members to properly supervise and protect your child from harm. If you find out that your child suffered the terrible crime of sexual abuse while at the summer camp, you have the right to hold the institution accountable. Bringing a civil lawsuit against a camp or organization in Kansas often requires assistance from an attorney. 

Taking on institutions that harbor abusers is a legal specialty. The summer camp may use many tactics to avoid liability for sexual abuse, including hiding information about what happened at the camp. It is important to work with an attorney who is experienced in this area of the law and who has resources dedicated to empowering victims of abuse. DRZ Law can fight claims of legal immunity by a summer camp to help your family build a stronger civil claim. Our sexual camp assault lawyers are dedicated to getting the justice that our clients deserve against institutions that allow abuse to take place.

What Is the Deadline on Filing a Child Sexual Abuse Case in Kansas?

It is important to act quickly after you discover that your child has been sexually abused or assaulted at a summer camp, as Kansas has one of the shortest filing deadlines for victims. You only have three years from the date of the victim’s 18th  birthday to file this type of claim, for the most part. If you are an adult who has only recently discovered that your mental health condition is connected to child sexual abuse at a summer camp, you may be given an extension. Contact a lawyer right away to make sure you meet your deadline.

Request a Free Case Evaluation at DRZ Law Today | Call (913) 400-2033 

Hope is available for survivors of summer camp sexual abuse and assault. Please contact DRZ Law to begin your recovery journey with a free, confidential case consultation with an attorney who specializes in summer camp sexual abuse. We will listen to your story and believe you, not blame you. Call (913) 400-2033 today to speak to one of our lawyers.

We are open and available during Covid-19 via Zoom/video chat or in-person. Contact us if you have any questions. Close