Help for survivors of
sexual abuse & assault

Sexual Abuse by Child Care Providers Attorney in Kansas

Entrusting your child to the care of a daycare center, childhood learning center or in-home child care service is already a difficult decision as a parent. If you have reason to suspect that the care provider you’ve chosen is mistreating or sexually abusing your child, you may not know where to turn for justice. 

DRZ Law has spent over 20 years helping the parents of children who have been sexually abused or physically harmed while in the care of trusted institutions. Our lawyers understand the complexity of sexual abuse by child care providers, and can help you through each phase of a lawsuit against a daycare, or other child care organization, in Kansas. Contact us today to get started with your free case evaluation.

Negligence Increases the Risk of Sexual Abuse by Child Care Providers 

You may be able to file a civil claim against a care provider on the grounds of negligence after an incident involving the sexual abuse of a young child. Negligence in personal injury law is the failure to act with proper or reasonable care. If a daycare center, school or child care organization failed to take proper care of children and ensure their safety, the institution could be held responsible for any harm that came to the child by an individual employee. Common examples of provider negligence include:

  • Lack of supervision. A child care provider must make sure that children are properly supervised at all times. They must have enough staff members for the number of children, for example, and take measures to prevent wandering or children leaving the premises. The failure to watch young kids at a childcare center invites opportunities for sexual abuse.
  • Negligent hiring practices. A daycare center or similar facility must be careful with the employees that it hires to interact with children. It must conduct thorough background checks and train all workers to properly care for kids. Otherwise, workers with known histories of abuse may be left in charge of vulnerable youth. 
  • Failure to report. Child care providers have a legal obligation to report any evidence or complaints of sexual assault to the authorities. Unfortunately, some providers keep claims under wraps to protect their own reputations. Failing to report abuse can allow it to continue to harm the victim and other children.

Bringing a lawsuit against the institution that you trusted with the safety and well-being of your child is paramount. The daycare center should have done more to prevent the life-changing assault. Your family deserves to hold the facility accountable. Unlike a criminal case against the perpetrator, a civil suit against a child care provider can hold the entire institution responsible. Filing a lawsuit for institutional abuse can provide your family with a greater sense of justice, as well as more financial compensation through additional insurance coverage.

Signs of Child Sexual Abuse and Assault 

Every parent wishes to believe that the child care provider they chose would never do anything to intentionally harm the child – least of all, commit a crime as heinous as child sexual abuse. Unfortunately, thousands of children are sexually abused and assaulted every year. It is important to be aware of this possibility and to keep a lookout for potential signs of abuse in your child. Detecting sexual assault early can minimize the harm done to the child as much as possible. The signs of sexual abuse can change depending on the age of the child, but may include:

  • Sudden changes in behavior
  • Mood swings or outbursts
  • Regressing to younger behaviors
  • Fear of a certain person or the daycare center itself
  • Becoming withdrawn
  • Nightmares and trouble sleeping
  • Post-traumatic stress signs
  • Sudden change in eating habits
  • Unexplained marks, bruises or injuries
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Unusual knowledge of sexual activity
  • New words for private parts
  • Drawing photos of sexual images

If you believe that your child is a victim of sexual abuse by a child care provider, put your child’s safety first. Go to a hospital immediately for a comprehensive physical evaluation. Then, report the child care provider to the police. Local law enforcement will investigate and may make an arrest. In addition to pressing charges against the individual perpetrator, you may have grounds to bring a lawsuit against the daycare center for neglecting to protect your child.

How to File a Lawsuit Against a Child Care Provider in Kansas 

Filing a civil lawsuit against a child care provider in Kansas starts with hiring a qualified and experienced attorney. Taking on institutions for child sexual abuse is a legal specialty. Daycare centers will employ a number of tactics to cover up what happened and escape liability for your child’s injuries. A general personal injury lawyer will not have the knowledge of this special area of the law to fight back. The attorneys  at DRZ Law have expertise to fight sexual abuse by child care providers.

Our law firm is committed to helping the parents of abused children seek justice against child care providers who failed to protect them. We have years of experience going up against institutions of all types on behalf of our clients and know how to hold facilities responsible for the actions of their workers. We can represent parents against daycare centers, schools, child educational programs, after-school programs, boarding schools, military schools, and more. 

Bringing your claim requires collecting evidence against the child care provider, such as eyewitness statements, photographs, surveillance footage, medical records and expert testimony. Then, you or your lawyer must fill out and file the necessary paperwork with the civil courthouse in your county before the state’s deadline. Currently, the deadline in Kansas is three years from the victim’s 18th birthday. We will work with you from the beginning to file a claim and pursue maximum financial compensation for child sexual abuse.

Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation | We Stand With Parents in Kansas

Child sexual abuse by a child care provider is an unthinkable crime that no family should ever have to deal with. If you’re facing this nightmare in your own life, DRZ Law can offer some assistance. Our attorneys specialize in cases involving sexual abuse by child care providers, and can help your family seek justice, closure and accountability by going up against the  provider that failed to protect your loved one. We offer free and confidential case consultations in Kansas City. Call (913) 400-2033 or contact us online to request your meeting. Our lawyers will get you what you need to heal and move forward from this tragedy.

We are open and available during Covid-19 via Zoom/video chat or in-person. Contact us if you have any questions. Close